Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Judge: Anonymous to stay away from Scientology!

The Church of Scientology Boston has reason to celebrate! An Anonymous member in Boston (deemed their "leader") had to eat crow today in court.

Judge Thomas C. Horgan imposed a one-year continuance without a finding in the case against GREGG HOUSH (D.O.B. 10/17/76), who had been charged with disturbing an assembly of worship and disturbing the peace. If Housh stays away from the Back Bay headquarters of the Church of Scientology and its expected new headquarters in Boston’s South End, and if he does not re-offend in any other manner, those charges will be dismissed. If he does not abide by those terms, Housh’s case could be put back on track for trial.

Says the District Attorney:

Just last Friday another Anonymous member had to swallow a big one and plead guilty in a case against him for trying to destroy Scientology computers:

Anonymous on the run? Sure looks like it!

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